Wounding. A 20-year lesson.

A thief made off with a prized possession
Snatched from sacred promises of love everlasting
Held hostage
A cage of my own hand
             by hurt invisible,
                            choking out life, love

Twenty years I spent
Captive to that pain
Yet blind
Ignorant of my own walls

Wondering why you couldn’t reach me
Wouldn’t reach out to me
Feel me
Know me

None had eyes for well-hidden pain
And I with it
Cowering behind a guarded heart
From you

Wishes escaped on wings of prayers
Floating beyond boundaries
                                        of consciousness
Sneaking through cracks
Disguised as discarded hopes
Rising above barriers
Taking flight
A call
A song
          in my key
Imprisoned heart unlocked
Wishes as balm
As pathway to freedom
Story as star
Illuminating the road home


13 thoughts on “Wounding. A 20-year lesson.

  1. This poem describes my life, although along a shorter timeline.
    “A thief made off with a prized possession / Me”
    and then I damaged myself some more not knowing how to help myself, not knowing where to turn.

    Now years have past and I’m falling in love and it’s exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. I never knew I could have these feelings or that I could be this happy. Moreover this is the first time in a long time that I ever knew this feeling of security and comfort.

    Thank you, thank you for writing this poem.

    1. That’s sooo exciting! I’m happy for you and wish you the absolute best! I can imagine the terror though…That level of trust is so difficult. Cheers to you for being open to love.

      This process has been a challenging, albeit rewarding one…Thanks so much for sharing a little piece of your life with me.

      1. I have a similar story, as I think I mentioned before… So many of us have been through physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and we bury the pain (consciously or subconsciously). I decided about 5 years ago to deal with my “stuff” and it’s been a wonderful journey to this point. Looking forward to the chance to love again one day!

  2. Greetings!

    That was beauty-full, touching, and profound. I think that’s me! This message (poem) is for me, from the Universe telling me to unlock my heart, it’s okay, let it soar. Give Thanks for sharing!

    Infinite Love and Gratitude,


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